Our LTTA Erasmus + program came to its end

🔹Some information about the program:

Across Europe discrimination and non-inclusive school systems systematically deprive children from Roma communities of their right to education. Statistics indicate that a high percentage of Roma
people fail at school (the rates of early school leaving are often more than double at primary school level, and a less than 8% of Roma students complete
secondary school). A high number of Roma youngsters do not have access
to the formal education or suffer of school failure with the consequent early school leaving, so they do
not get to complete compulsory education (often not even primary

In most countries, only about 20% of Roma children ever enroll in primary school, compared with more than
90% of their non-Roma peers. Those that do enroll are likely to drop
out before the end of basic schooling because of the ill preparation of schools to meet their needs.

Within this scenario the project raises up from the need to improve
the educational level and consequently life condition of the Roma,
aiming to address measures to promote and boost Roma students’ development as an entry point for fostering the
sustained social inclusion of Roma students in the participating
