Transnational Project Meetings AI4ESL Project Meeting 2 (M2)

The project aims at tackling learning disadvantage, early school leaving (ESL) and low proficiency in basic skills. As such, the target group is made up of students with fewer opportunities and from underrepresented groups; such as Roma communities, asylum seekers, immigrants and those coming from rural areas. However, access to these students (and their teachers) is granted by the two schools and three NGOs participating in the project.

Students and their teachers will be fully engaged and will participate actively at all stages of the project, especially during the needs analysis and the design, development and piloting of the AI-powered platform. This includes: – responding to the survey on the their needs with regard to personalised and adaptive learning, with an emphasis on learning disadvantage (hence the pedagogical dimension) and basic Literacy (including Media Literacy) and Numeracy skills
(hence the curricular dimension) – during the design and development of the AI-powered Digital Learning Platform (from a technological perspective) – during the design and development of the Literacy (including Media Literacy) and Numeracy.

We would like to thank the primary school of Palanka in Serbia for the hospitality and support in order to implement this Erasmus project!!