European population is growing older, the society is facing different challenges like physical and mental health of older people as well as the active participation of them in
social life and society in general. The social services of the town halls, medical services, universities, old people associations and governments are making a lot of effort to keep older people fit and a lot of sports programmes and PE parks are being caring out and lots of old people get benefit from them.

The last century and the mainly in the last decades average life expectancy in Europe has increased, the European Union population is ageing and we may conclude that this process is probably set to accelerate in the future. In the age group of people 55- 64, the use of computers and internet is more common compared to the age group of people 65+.

One reason is that people between 55 and 64 are mostly still economically active and might need computer and internet skills for their work. So when this generation grows older, they already possess the knowledge and skills to use these technologies and will probably continue using even for learning but, in the group from 65+ most of the old people have not at all being involved in the Information and Communication technologies use, as they had not the opportunity to use computers and/or Internet through their educational, working and/or personal lives.

Project main aims:
- To equip the older members of our society with the skills needed to use technology and ICT in order to make easier their
lives; - Introduce educational research on use of Gamification for Adult Education;
- Make possible elderly people staying active for longer, enjoying a healthier and social daily life, increasing conditions for
well-being and active ageing with the support of ICT; - Provide elderly people with early exposure to digital skills and computational thinking;
- Make possible elderly people staying socially active, having access to public and commercial services, reducing social
isolation through ICT solutions; - Learn to use ICT in practice in order to look after own health, social integration and being active citizens;
- To reach the inclusion of elderly people through the use of ICT for everyday life;
- To ensure active citizenship and the opportunities to participate in democratic life and be active engaged in social and
civic activities.