ICON Greece offers training courses for Erasmus KA1 in Rodos and Thessaloniki, Greece

Course 1: “Motivating students through international projects,

new teaching methods and cultural environment”

Participants will enhance their teaching skills and motivate their students through international projects on the base of historical and cultural significance. They will enjoy opportunities to meet and interact with other teachers, principals and coordinators, share good practices and ideas and build partnerships leading to possible eTwinning or Erasmus+ Key action 2 projects.

The guided tour, the cultural excursion and the structured visit to schools will help them to discover the culture of the host country, experience a powerful and unique school culture. Furthermore, historical and cultural significance will provide them a solid base for the development of teaching resources. The seminars and workshops will help participants to better acquire new skills and tools to help them overcome the challenges they will encounter in the classroom.


School Education Gateway 

Course 2: “Motivating students through projects, active learning, culture and art”

Participants will enhance their teaching skills and motivate their students through international projects, active learning, culture and art. They will enjoy opportunities to meet and interact with other teachers, principals and coordinators, share good practices and ideas and build partnerships leading to possible eTwinning or Erasmus+ Key action 2 projects. The guided tour and the cultural excursion will help them to discover the culture of the host country and provide them a solid base for the development of teaching resources.The seminars and workshops will help participants to better acquire new skills,strengthen student thinking and learning anduse art as a force for developing students’ thinking dispositions.


School Education Gateway