ICON Greece together with Shelter NGO in Portugal organised a Training Seminar on “Augmented Reality Games” for Youth Workers in May 2016 in Lisbon.

The seminar included

a) theoretical background on digital tools and augmented reality. Youth workers had practice on digital applications that can guide them to create augmented reality games without advanced ICT skills

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A youth exchange about religion and diversity in Rodos. Members from different European organisations visited churches in Rodos Greece and compared religious elements. It was interesting that all participants showed respect to other groups religion and wanted to learn more about each others faith.

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Members of ICON Greece visited Riace global village, where about 3.000 refugees reside in an almost abandoned village. ICON Greece was invited by NGO Darsana Terranga which has affiliates with local authorities and residents. The visit in Riace and the working meetings with partners were the most interesting and challenging projects ICON Greece implemeted.

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Target groups:

  • Educators and trainers employed in formal and non formal education
  • The target groups are young people 13-35 years old, especially from rural or geographically remote areas, with financial problems including minorities, youth workers and educators.
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Inclusion in COmmuNity

Address: Rodos, Greece P.C. 85100

Email: info@icongreece.gr   

PIC 896822425

ICON Greece (Inclusion in COmmuNity) was initiated as an informal group of educators and students aiming to enhance inclusion in the school community –for students with special skills and / or different cultural backgrounds.

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  • Inclusion in community regardless of the images and stereotypes that each group has of each other
  • Inclusion of individuals together with invisible families and friends who support them
  • Promotion of empathy and respect for people of all backgrounds and abilities
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