Presented in 23 European languages, the School Education Gateway is a single point of entry for teachers, school leaders, policymakers, experts and other professionals in the school education field. Join today and stay informed about European policy and action for schools!

Teacher Academy – Teacher Academy allows teachers to discover a wide range of training opportunities and resources for their classroom. It consists of a central course catalogue with information on in-service onsite courses by independent course providers, School Education Gateway’s own free online courses, and a selection of teaching materials developed by eTwinning teachers, EU institutions and other EU-funded projects.

  • Erasmus+ opportunities – Schools across Europe can benefit from the funding opportunities provided by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme, including support for training courses and teaching assignments for professional development, or participation in project partnerships. Discover the three tools that School Education Gateway provides for schools to prepare their Erasmus+ applications!
  • European Toolkit for Schools – The Toolkit promotes a whole-school approach to improve inclusiveness and prevent early school leaving. It can help school heads, teachers and others identify the needs in prevention of early school leaving and find suitable solutions. The Toolkit collects evidence, documents and good practices of collaborative approaches in and around schools that can be implemented in different school contexts.